Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Third Anniversary

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Joseph and Hyrum Smith

Sunday, June 27, 1847, the third anniversary of Joseph and Hyrum’s death, William Clayton writes that as the Saints were traveling to the Salt Lake Valley that they were glad on this day to finally see the rivers flow to the west. He also mentions that the pioneers also did what on this day?
a.                  Fast and pray
b.                  Hunt buffalo
c.                   Heard speeches referring to the U.S. government injustice to the Saints
d.                  Erected a monument in honor of Joseph and Hyrum
Yesterday’s answer:
D   15 pairs each
November 1856, near Martin’s Cove, Martin Company, Emily Cowley Fowler Recollection:   Stories that thrill are told of the kindness and brotherly love that existed among these ill-fated pioneers. One of them mentioned in the different diaries gives an account of two men, the father and grandfather of Dr. George Middleton, who were in charge of the provisions wagon of the Martin Company, picking up the children who were walking. They would tenderly take some of the babes from their mothers’ arms and place them in the wagons. If one became discouraged because of physical pain, an hour’s ride with the Middleton’s ofttimes brought courage back. Another interesting bit of history gives us the story of a beautiful courtship between one of the rescue party, William M. Cowley, and a lovely English girl, who was a member of Martin’s Company. This young girl Emily Wall, and her brother Joseph started out for Utah well prepared to make the journey on foot, as their mother had purchased fifteen pairs of sturdy shoes for each of them. Emily was only fifteen years of age and her brother three years her senior, but they had been promised that they both would reach Salt Lake City. When the point was reached that their company could not carry so much, these two discarded part of their clothing, giving it to those who were not as fortunate as them. Part way across the plains the brother took ill and the company thought it best that he be left behind, telling the sister he could come on when he was better. However, Emily had been promised their safe arrival in the valley and she promised to pull her brother on her cart if he would only be permitted to come. Consent was given and with the aid of a small girl she pulled Joseph for three days. When she reached Devil’s Gate where the company of rescuers met the party, one of the boys, William M. Cowley, who was a very young printer, came to her aid. In conversation with her he asked if some day she would marry him. Emily said she didn’t know and told him he would have to write to England and get permission from her mother. Time went on and the youth was not seen again for three years, as he had been called to San Bernardino to set up a printing press. Upon his return he found the young lady at the home of President Young and asked her if she remembered his proposal. She had, but wanted to know if he had written to her mother. After being informed that a letter had been written to her mother and that an answer had come saying it was all right for them to be married provided he was a good man, Emily consented and the young couple were married. Twelve children were born to them and she remained his only sweetheart.
Stewart E. Glazier and Robert S. Clark, Journey of the Trail (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997), 94-95.

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