Friday, July 12, 2019

Small Talk

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Joseph Smith was small talking one day with Benjamin F. Johnson when he indicated to Brother Johnson that he was tired of the persecution and wanted “to go to my rest.” Benjamin basically stated that the Saints could never live without Joseph. The Prophet indicated to him that with his death that his power was going to increase to do what?
a.                  To get revenge from his enemies
b.                  To help the Saints get to the Salt Lake Valley
c.                   To reorganize the Relief Society
d.                  To roll on the kingdom
Yesterday’s answer:
A   Fast and Pray
Sunday, June 27, 1847, South Pass, Pioneer Company, William Clayton:  Morning fine but cold. The ox teams started at five minutes to eight and the remainder shortly after. We soon met eight of the Oregon men on their way back, having over twenty horses and mules with them mostly laden with packs of robes, skins, etc. Several of the brethren sent letters back by them. At two and three-quarters miles, arrived at the dividing ridge where Elder Pratt took a barometrical observation and found the altitude 7,085 feet above the level of the sea. This spot is 278-1/2 miles from Fort John and is supposed to divide the Oregon and Indian Territory by a line running north and south. At two miles farther we arrived at where Elder Pratt camped last night on the head waters of the Green River and although the stream is small, we have the satisfaction of seeing the current run west instead of east. The face of the country west looks level except far in the distance where a range of mountains peers up, their surface white with snow. There is good grass here but no timber nor in fact any in sight except on the mountains. . . .
It is 3 years today since our brethren Joseph and Hyrum were taken from us and it was a general feeling to spend the day in fasting and prayer, but the gentile companies being close in our rear and feed scarce it was considered necessary to keep ahead for the benefit of our teams, but many minds have reverted back to the scenes at Carthage Jail, and it is a gratification that we have so far prospered in our endeavors to get from under the grasp of our enemies.
Stewart E. Glazier and Robert S. Clark, Journey of the Trail (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997), 172-173.

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