Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Coming Well Prepared

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Emily Cowley Fowler, Martin handcart pioneer, stated that her mother sent her and her brother to America well prepared for the trip to the Salt Lake Valley. How many pairs of shoes did Emily and her brother take with them?
a.                  3 pairs each
b.                  6 pairs each
c.                   12 pairs each
d.                  15 pairs each
Yesterday’s answer:
B   That he would carry only LDS passengers
Sunday, June 29, 1856 aboard the Horizon anchored in Massachusetts Bay, Martin Handcart Company, John Jaques Journal:   On the 29th, the passengers passed the doctor. A meeting was held on deck, and in the response to three cheers, for the captain, he complimented the passengers on their good behavior and said that company was the best he had ever brought across the sea. He further said that since the passengers sang, “We’ll marry none but Mormons,” he would “carry none but Mormons.”
Stewart E. Glazier and Robert S. Clark, Journey of the Trail (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997), 45.

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