Monday, July 29, 2019

The Mysterious Visitor

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When a mysterious visitor asked to stay the night with the Kemp family, he left the next morning leaving what?
a.            A Book of Mormon and pamphlets
b.            His blessing on the home and family members
c.             Food and money
d.            A team of oxen and a wagon
Yesterday’s answer:
B   He friended members of the LDS church
       From the life of Hamilton Henry Kearns:   First Bishop of the Gunnison Ward, Sanpete county, Utah, was born Sept. 17, 1817 in Brown county, Ohio, the son of Matthew Kearns and Mahala Frazier. His father being a United States trapper, the family resided in the woods most of the time. They moved to Iowa, where the senior Kearns opened a carpenter shop on the Des Moines River, and while resident there he befriended the “Mormons” who at that time were fleeing from persecution to the West. On this account the enemies of the saints called him a Jack Mormon, and he was subjected to considerable persecution on that account. In the meantime he studied Parley P. Pratt’s “Voice of Warning”, became a convert to “Mormonism” and was baptized in 1849.
Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 555.

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