Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jack Mormon

Hamilton Henry Kearns

Why was Hamilton Henry Kearns called a Jack Mormon by his Iowa neighbors?
a.                  He was a less active member of the Church
b.                  He friended members of the LDS church
c.                   His nickname was Jack, and he was a Mormon
d.                  He was a persecutor of the Saints
Yesterday’s answer:
C   The desolation of the Salt Lake Valley
From the life of Isabella Siddoway Armstrong:   They left Florence June 7, 1860, in Capt. Daniel Robinson’s handcart company, which arrived in Salt Lake City Sept. 27, 1860. Isabella, who walked nearly all the way across the plains, gives the following brief account of the journey and her early experience in Utah: “The journey being longer than we expected, our clothing, shoes and provisions grew very scanty long before we reached our destination. Our shoes were so badly worn that at night, after a long day’s walk over the rough ground, I would have to pick the pebbles from my little brother’s torn and bleeding feet, as well as my own. When we were near Laramie, Wyoming, our provisions grew very short, so much so that each person was rationed to one-half pound of flour a day. Sister Hannah Lapish, one of the members of our company, had some jewelry she had brought from England with her. She took it to a trading post, and exchanged it for seven hundred pounds of flour, which really relieved our want until we were met by a relief party at Green River, sent out by President Brigham Young, with 2500 pounds of flour and 500 pounds of bacon which lasted us until we reached the Valley. We were very fortunate in only having one death during our journey, and that being a little child. After arriving in Salt Lake City, we looked upon the then almost barren country, and compared it to the green fields and comfortable homes we had left in old England. Was it any wonder that we were heart-sick and disappointed with our new surroundings!
Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 484.

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