Saturday, July 27, 2019

“Heart-sick and Disappointed”

Isabella Siddoway Armstrong

These were the words of 1860 handcart pioneer Isabella Siddoway Armstrong. What was she heart-sick and disappointed about?
a.                  The Book of Mormon
b.                  Brigham Young
c.                   The desolation of the Salt Lake Valley
d.                  The attitude of the young men in her company
Yesterday’s answer:
A   Follow the law of the land and not practice polygamy
From the life of Henry Reiser:   He was arrested under the Edmunds law, Aug. 24, 1886, on charge of unlawful cohabitation and on Sept. 17, 1887; by advice of his attorney he then withdrew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. When Judge Zane asked him if he had anything to say before sentence was passed, he replied that he had eighteen souls depending entirely on him for their support, and that about a year ago he was robbed of about $800 worth of watches; hence he was pretty well reduced in means. The judge asked if he would promise to obey the law in the future. Elder Reiser replied that he could not give any such promise conscientiously. He was then sentenced to six months imprisonment and to pay a fine of $300 and cost of suit, the latter amounting to $43.
Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 425.

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