Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Endowments Given Outside the Temple

See the source image
Washington D.C. Temple

What one place mention below was the endowment not ministered to the Saints?
a.                  The Lion house
b.                  The Red Brick Store (Nauvoo)
c.                   The Council House (Salt Lake City)
d.                  The Endowment house
Yesterday’s answer:
C   Food and money
From the life of William Kemp:   On another occasion after Bro. Kemp and wife had arrived in America, they experienced hard times in common with their co-religionists. One evening when Bro. Kemp was returning home, after having hunted all day for work, he heard a man being refused a night’s lodging at the house of a neighbor, and when the same stranger a few minutes later met Bro. Kemp and asked him for lodging, he was told that if he would walk a mile with him he could share his bed with him. The stranger accepted the offer, and upon entering Bro. Kemp’s house, they engaged in a conversation about gospel principles, on which the visitor seemed to be exceedingly well posed. The stranger also discovered that the family were in very poor circumstances, in fact almost destitute of food. The stranger left the house early the next morning, but about 8 o’clock he came back with a wagon load of victuals and unloaded the same at the house of Bro. Kemp. The mother then made breakfast and as the stranger sat down to eat, he began to pull money out of his pockets, and toss coins on the floor for the children. He seemed to have money in every pocket. After the meal, the man left, but prior to his doing so he was asked to give his name. He simply replied that he just went wherever he was sent, upon which the stranger mysteriously disappeared.
Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 660.

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