Sunday, June 30, 2019

Playing on the banks of the Mississippi River

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Matthias Cowley

What happened to Mathias Cowley as he was playing on the banks of the Mississippi River?
a.                  The Prophet Joseph sent him on a mission
b.                  Brigham Young gave him the priesthood
c.                   William Smith gave him a Patriarchal Blessing
d.                  Porter Rockwell asked him to witness a baptism for the dead
Yesterday’s answer:
A   Mormons could not settle in the area
From the life of Solomon Henry Hale:   In the autumn of 1865 Bro. Hale moved to the Bear Lake country, which then contained but few settlers. He bought land near the present town of Liberty and engaged extensively in the stock industry, raising, buying and selling cattle. He remained there until the spring of 1872, when he changed his base of operations to Soda Springs, where he, in partnership with Brigham Young Jun., opened a livery feed and sale stable. He kept up right along big stock interests, procuring hay land in Gentile Valley for the raising of winter feed. He did the freighting from Logan, Utah, for the branch of the Z.C.M.I. in Soda Springs and acted as their Indian interpreter and trader. In the latter place he built two fine residences and a billiard hall, which was the best equipped of any north of Ogden City. These buildings are still standing and occupied. In the spring of 1875 he sold his interest in Soda Springs and procured other tracts of land in the central portion of Gentile Valley, where the town of Thatcher now is. Here he started a new enterprise and went quite extensively into the stock business and soon became one of the leading stock men of that whole valley. A peculiar incident in his locating in Gentile Valley was that the ranch men and trappers then living on the west side of the river forbade “Mormons” locating among them; they claimed that the valley should be kept exclusively Gentile. It will be plainly seen from this whence Gentile Valley derived its name. Mr. Hale gained the friendship of his neighbors and before a great while a number of other “Mormons” settled there and finally a Ward of the Church was organized, over which he was appointed Bishop.   
Andrew Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Company, 1914), 170.

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