Saturday, June 29, 2019

Gentile Valley Rules

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Gentile Valley, Idaho

What was  the rule among the settlers of Gentile Valley, Idaho?
a.                  Mormons could not settle in the area
b.                  Only cattle could graze in the valley
c.                   Only sheep could graze in the valley
d.                  No Mormon missionaries were allowed in the area
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Anti-Mormon preaching
From the life of Oliver Goddard Snow:   In May, 1870, he went on a mission to Great Britain, being appointed president of the Leeds Conference in 1871, where he labored for eighteen months. One evening he attended a meeting where a lecture was delivered by an apostle of the “Apostolic” church and became a target for the speaker’s remarks, abusing him and his people without stint and finally challenging him to come forward at the close and deny the charges if he could. Upon accepting the challenge, however, the apostle refused to let him speak; the audience demanded that he have that privilege, and rather than precipitate disorder Bro. Snow accepted the declination also; but the incident made the apostle lose prestige and finally he had to give up his lectures, while many who were previously indifferent began to inquire and investigate.
Andrew Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Company, 1914), 59.  

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