Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Travels of a Home Missionary

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Home missionary Franklin Wheeler Young states that him and his companion used what mode of transportation during the winter of 1865-66 in the Bear Lake area of Idaho?
a.                  Horses and sleds
b.                  Oxen and sleds
c.                   Ski’s
d.                  Snowshoes
Yesterday’s answer:
C   The scripture in question was in large print
From the life of David William Jeffs:   While on this mission he labored as a traveling Elder in the East Tennessee conference. He received many great testimonies of the Gospel, and greatly enjoyed his labors and received the gifts of healing, faith and knowledge, to a marked extent. In a sketch prepared for this work, Elder Jeffs writes: “I went into the mission field with very little knowledge of the Bible, and I had to study very hard and depend greatly upon the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to guide and sustain me in my labors; I had no experience in preaching. The Lord, however, came to my assistance many times. I remember on one occasion, when defending the principles of the Gospel, I quoted a passage of Scripture that I had heard my companion repeat; the minister with whom I was conversing asked me where such a passage of Scripture was, as he had never read it in the Bible. I told him to let me take his Bible and I opened it, and there appeared, a certain verse, in very large letters which I read to him. It was the very passage that I had quoted to him. After reading the passage referred to, it did not appear any larger print that the rest of the chapter; this is one example out of many like testimonies.

Andrew Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Company, 1914), 51-52.  

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