Monday, September 17, 2018

Taking a Beating

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In August 1874 in Sandy, Utah, William Sharp took a beating, why?
a.                  He forgot the treats for his Sunbeams
b.                  The Missouri mob caught up to him
c.                   Trying to retrieve stolen tithing money
d.                  Trying to retrieve a stolen ballot box
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Snowshoes
From the life of Franklin Wheeler Young:   The winter of 1865-6 was a very hard one in Bear Lake valley. The snow was deep and for weeks there was no track broken from one town to another. Brother Young, acting then as a home missionary went to every town in the valley on snow shoes. In his trip through the north end of the valley, Elder James H. Hart accompanied him, and on their way from Montpelier to Paris by way of “The Hay Stacks,” they were overtaken by night, at a time when a dense fog had rested over the valley for two or three weeks, so that the sun, moon or stars were not seen, and snow covered the ground everywhere, with no dark objects outside the towns. In the darkness of the night they had turned from their course, which should have been about southwest; when all at once Brother Young saw a star shining directly ahead of them, and called Elder Hart’s attention to it, observing at the same time, “That is the north star.” Brother Hart said, “No, that is impossible, for we are going nearly south.” They stopped for a moment to discuss it, when to their great surprise the fog cleared away and allowed them to see the “Dipper,” just for a minute, when the fog closed, and shut the stars from their view. But they were convinced they had been turned around, and they now turned about, following their back tracks to where they had turned. Soon afterwards they heard a dog bark, and going straight ahead toward the sound they came to the town of Paris, very nearly exhausted. Had it not been for the opening or lifting of the fog they would have perished that night, and Elder Young has ever looked upon it as a direct miracle, or as a direct manifestation of Divine providence to save two humble Elders from death.   

Andrew Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jenson History Company, 1914), 98.

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