Saturday, September 15, 2018

Finding the Scripture

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While David William Jeffs was serving a mission in the Tennessee area, he quoted a scripture from the Bible to a minister to prove his point. The minister asked Elder Jeffs to show him where the scripture was in the Bible as he had never heard of such a scripture. Elder Jeffs asked for the ministers Bible, then what happened?
a.                  The Bible fell to pieces and Elder Jeffs picked up the page with the scripture in question
b.                  The scripture in question was illuminated
c.                   The scripture in question was in large print
d.                  Elder Jeffs turned and ran with the minister’s Bible since he didn’t have one
Yesterday’s answer:
A   Obtaining wood to build a boat
Monday, August 2nd.—It was fine weather with a cool breeze from the northeast. This morning William King, George Billings and myself went into the mountains with teams for timber, with which we returned about sunset. Agreeable to previous arrangements, the two camps below commenced to move to this place. Prof. O. Pratt, Father Sherwood and others commenced surveying the ground for the city. Eight or nine men today detailed or chosen to guard our cattle during our stay here, who are exempt from all other labors. The brethren are principally engaged in plowing, planting, sawing lumber for a boat, making coal pits, preparing to make adobies, etc.

Major Howard Egan, Pioneering the West (Howard Egan Estate: Richmond, Utah, 1917) 114.

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