Thursday, August 1, 2019

What the Doctor Couldn’t Do

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As Sister Alder was walking on a street in St. Louis in 1844 a tornado hit. The debris from a falling building broke both her legs. A doctor couldn’t heal her, but what did?
a.                   A blessing from the Elders
b.                   Attending the Nauvoo Temple
c.                   A baptism for healing
d.                   Reading the Book of Mormon
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Wearing the fashions of the world
Temple attendance also played an ever-greater role in moral behavior and sexual conduct. “Don’t give recommends to the unworthy,” said Elder George Teasdale. Even in matters of fashion choice, temples had an influence. “Do not come to the temple with the fashion of the world on you,” Said John D. T. McAllister in St. George. And by the late 1880s, adherence to the Word of Wisdom—abstaining from tobacco, liquor, and hot drinks—was becoming part of temple recommend interviews. The point is that increased temple attendance imposed a reformation of behavior among thousands of believing Mormons anxious to do their part in redeeming the dead. Tithing, the Word of Wisdom, personal purity, and other expressions of obedience and worthiness played out upon the everyday lives of thousands of men and women who previously had not been so challenged. Recurring temple attendance would now accomplish what the Mormon Reformation had set out to do some twenty years before.
“Which is the Wisest Course,” The Transformation in Mormon Temple Consciousness, 1870-1898. Richard E. Bennett, BYU Studies Vol. 52, No. 2, 2013, 25-26.

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