Friday, August 2, 2019

The Stowaway

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It’s because of a stowaway that six-year-old Else and her seven-year-old brother, Paul made it to America. What did the stowaway do for the children?
a.                   Gave them a Book of Mormon
b.                   Stole food for them
c.                   Snuck them onto the ship
d.                   Gave them his tickets
Yesterday’s answer:
C   A baptism for healing
From the life of Mary Ann Hamilton Alder:   The Alder family, Mary Ann and George and their daughter, set sail from Liverpool, England, March 5, 1844, for the United States on the ship, “Glasco.” They were on the ocean six weeks before they finally landed in New Orleans. From there they sailed up the Mississippi River to St. Louis and then to Nauvoo.
While in St. Louis, Mary Ann was walking along the sidewalk, when suddenly a tornado overtook her. A building fell and Mary Ann was caught in the debris. She received a cut on the side of her head an eighth of an inch from her brain, and her legs were broken. A doctor was found and he didn’t set her legs well because he didn’t think she would live until the morning. Mary Ann knew there were Elders in that locality and asked to have them come. The Elders came and administered to her. When the doctor came back the next day, she was still alive. The doctor wanted to break her legs to set them again but her husband, George, would not let them. Mary Ann recovered but used crutches until she was baptized, March 18, 1851. She dropped the crutches on the bank of a river and she was helped into the water. After the baptism was performed, she walked out of the water and never used her crutches again.
International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, (Publishers Press, 1998), 1:27.

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