Tuesday, July 2, 2019

When Polygamy was First Discussed

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When was the first discussion of polygamy in this dispensation?
a.                  1852
b.                  1842
c.                   1839
d.                  1829
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Translated the Book of Mormon into Hawaiian
From the life of George Q. Cannon:   He began translating the Book of Mormon into Hawaiian after hearing the language for only one month. “In the beginning my method was to translate a few pages. . . and explain to Brother Napela [a Hawaiian judge] the ideas. I would then read the translation to him. . . and learn from him the impression the language conveyed to his mind. In this way I was able to correct any obscure expression which might be used, and secure the Hawaiian idiom.”
Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 51.

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