Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Location of the First Fort

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Salt Lake City

When the Saints first entered the valley they constructed a fort to protect them from the natives. With time this expanded to a second fort. What is currently located where the first fort was situated? 
a.                  Pioneer Park
b.                  Temple Square
c.                   The Delta Center
d.                  Hogle Zoo
Yesterday’s answer:
D   The laying on of hands
From the life of Patty Bartlett Sessions:   Tuesday, June 1 Sister E. R. Snow is here. The girls wash some for her. She lines Carlos hat. We had a feast in the afternoon at sister Millers. There we blessed and got blessed. I blessed Sister Christeen by laying my hands upon her head and the Lord spoke through me to her great and marvelous things. At the close I thought I must ask a blessing at Sister Kimball’s hand but it came to me that I must first bless her and show Hebers girls the Order that duty called them to perform to get many blessings from her upon them. I obeyed. Layed my hands upon her head although it was a great cross and the power of God came upon me. I spoke great and marvelous things to her. She was filled to the overflowing. She arose and blessed the Lord and called down a blessing on us and all that pertained to her. Sister Hess fell on her knees and claimed a blessing at my hands. I then blessed her. Sister Chase claimed a blessing of Sister Kimball. She blessed her with me. She spoke great things to her. The power of God was poured out upon us. E. R. Snow was there and with many others. Thank the Lord.
Women’s Voices-An Untold History of The Latter-day Saints 1830-1900 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1982), 197.

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