Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Blessed with Spiritual Gifts

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Who was the first prophet to teach that the Relief Society was blessed to share spiritual gifts as their priesthood counterparts?
a.            George Albert Smith
b.            Brigham Young
c.             Joseph Smith
d.            Wilford Woodruff
Yesterday’s answer:
C   $100,000
Two early Jewish freighters, Mr. B. Bachman and the I. Calisher & Company, were operating into Camp Floyd from Denver and the Pacific coast for the first year. The company of soldiers stationed at the camp was gradually decreased opt approximately 1,500 men by July 1861 and, with the beginning of the Civil War, the remainder were called east. “The Army disposed of over four million dollars’ worth of goods for approximately $100,000, about 40 percent of which was purchased by Hiram B. Clawson, agent for Brigham Young. But many individuals also benefited, among them Ransohoff, Auerbach, Kahn, and the Walker Brothers.” It is interesting to note how many of these men who established businesses in Salt Lake City and other areas in the West got their start from this event.
Chronicles of Courage, Lesson Committee (Salt Lake City: Talon Printing, 1997), 8:  241.

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