Monday, September 24, 2018

Why the Primary got its Start

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What was the issue that resulted in the organization of the Primary?
a.                  Too many people in the ward and not enough callings
b.                  Unruly little boys
c.                   Unruly little girls
d.                  Aurelia S. Rogers had nothing better to do
Yesterday’s answer:
A   On a mission
From the life of B. H. Roberts:   December 5, 1886:   As associate editor of the Salt Lake Herald, Roberts was preparing the daily dispatches when deputy marshals arrested him for “unlawful cohabitation.” By six o’clock he was called on a mission to Great Britain, jumped his $2000 bail, and left for Liverpool.

Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 142.

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