Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Only President Other Than Joseph Smith

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Who is the only president of the Church, other than Joseph Smith, to have not previously been the president of the Quorum of the Twelve?
a.                  David O. McKay
b.                  Ezra T. Benson
c.                   Wilford Woodruff
d.                  Joseph F. Smith
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Unruly little boys
From the life of Aurelia S. Rogers:   March 1878:   When Relief Society President Eliza R. Snow visited Farmington, Aurelia expressed concern about rowdy boys. “What will our girls do for good husbands, if this state of things continues? Could there not be an organization for little boys, and have them trained to make better men?”
Farmington Bishop John W. Hess received a letter from John Taylor authorizing a new organization in the ward. August 11, 1878, Bishop Hess set Aurelia Rogers apart as president of the Church’s first Primary Association. Though she felt “willing, but very incompetent,” she taught her charges “obedience, faith in God, prayer, punctuality, and good manners.”

Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 256.

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