Saturday, September 29, 2018


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Despondent pioneer, Elizabeth Horrocks Jackson Kingsford, of the Martin Handcart company went to bed not certain at her chances of survival when who appeared to her in a dream and told her that deliverance was on the way?
a.                  Joseph Smith
b.                  The Three Nephites
c.                   Ephraim Hanks
d.                  Her dead husband
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Franklin D. Richards
Friday, September 12, 1856, near North Platte, Nebraska, Willie Company Journal:  This evening President Franklin D. Richards . . . arrived just before dusk in 3 carriages and 2 wagons. . .  President Richards then addressed the Saints, expressing his satisfaction at their having journeyed thus far, and more especially with handcarts, and . . .  which he knew had proved, and would prove their salvation, if they would hearken to, and diligently obey counsel to the letter. In which even, he promised, in the name of Israel’s God, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, that no obstacle whatever should come in the way of this camp, but what they should be able, by their united faith and works, to overcome, God being their helper. And, that if a Red Sea should interpose, they should by their union of heart and hand, walk through it like Israel of old, dryshod. On the same conditions, he promised that though they might have some trials to endure as proof to God, and the brethren, that they had the true “grit.”

Stewart E. Glazier and Robert S. Clark, Journey of the Trail (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997), 42.

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