Sunday, September 30, 2018

“From Grave to Gay”

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It was recorded in John Chislett’s journal that the Saints went from “grave to gay.” What was the occasion?
a.      a.   The Willie and Martin Handcart companies entering the Salt Lake Valley
b.      b.   The leaving of Johnston’s army from the Salt Lake Valley at the time of the Civil War
c.      c.    The seagulls devouring the crickets
d.      d.   The arrival of the rescue teams to the Willie handcart company
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Her dead husband
October, 1856, Red Buttes, Martin Company, Elizabeth Horrocks Jackson Kingsford:   It will be readily perceived that under such adverse circumstances I had become despondent. I was six or seven thousand miles from my native land, in a wild, rocky, mountain country, in a destitute condition, the ground covered with snow, the water covered with ice, and I with three fatherless children with scarcely nothing to protect them from the merciless storms. When I retired to bed that night, being the 27th of Oct., I had a stunning revelation. In my dream, my husband stood by me and said, “Cheer up, Elizabeth, deliverance is at hand.” The dream was fulfilled.
Stewart E. Glazier and Robert S. Clark, Journey of the Trail (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997), 62.

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