Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Almira Mack

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Almira Mack

Who is Almira Mack?
a.                  The Church’s first Relief Society President
b.                  The Church’s first young woman’s leader
c.                   Joseph Smith’s first plural wife
d.                  One of the first sister missionaries
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Her non-member husband losing his job and her parents disowning her
From the life of Sarah Barrow Blake Hadden Cockerill:   When Sarah joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1857, her father, a well-to-do land owner, became very angry and disinherited her.
He would not let her husband work for him anymore. He used his influence with other farmers and businessmen to prevent them from hiring William. Her father thought this would make Sarah give up her religion, but she knew the Church was true. Her family never forgave her. Although she lived in the same town with them for seventeen years, they never spoke to Sarah again. Because of her strong testimony and faith, her husband and children were baptized later.
Her husband, William with two of their daughters, Mary Jane and Catherine, two granddaughters, and their son, William, left London on June 5, 1864, on the ship, “Hudson.”
Sarah remained in England to care for a daughter, who became very ill. Her daughter died twenty-five days after her father’s (Williams) departure.
In October, Sarah learned that her husband and Emily, the youngest grand-daughter had died on the Plains. It was a very trying and difficult time to have three members of her family die in just a few months. However, she rejoiced in having joined the Church and in knowing that she could be with them again after death.
Sarah’s life was one of love, faith, and integrity. She left her posterity a legacy of devotion, courage, and loyalty.
She arrived in Salt Lake City September 15, 1866 in the William Henry Chipman Wagon Company.
In 1870, she married William Hadden whom she had known in England. His children were all married and he was a widower. They lived a happy life for ten or twelve years at which time he passed away.

Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, Daughters of Utah Pioneers: (International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers: 1998), 1: 630.

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