Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Price of the Scrolls

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According to Henry Caswall, during an 1842 visit to Nauvoo and Joseph Smith, he states that the Prophet showed him the scrolls that he purchased along with the Egyptian mummies. What did the prophet pay for these artifacts?
a.                  $500
b.                  $3500
c.                   $2500
d.                  $5000
Yesterday’s answer:
A   A French passenger was trying to smuggle in tobacco
From a June 1, 1885 letter to George Q. Cannon from Edward Stevenson:   Our Company now began to scatter to go to their various fields of labor. I joined a company and took steamer for St. Louis. We were kindly treated on board. A discussion took place in the cabin between Elder O. Pratt and Mr. Storon, president of the Missouri College, resulting in a Bible triumph in favor of Apostle Pratt.
In St. Louis, Elder Wm. Pitt found himself without sufficient money for his passage to his field of labor and was walking down the street with his head bowed down, wondering what he should do to obtain the necessary means. Suddenly he saw before him, on the walk, a ten-dollar bill, the exact amount required. He picked it up and after searching in vain for the owner, used it for procuring his passage to England. On November 11th, twenty-one of us, who had engaged passage to Liverpool on a sailing vessel of 1,800 tons burden, set sail, and arrived at our destination on January 5th, 1853. We buried one passenger, a Catholic, in the open sea. He was sewed up in a blanket and some weights were attached to the feet. Burial services, in the absence of one of their priests, were read by Elder Perrigrine Sessions, and he was then slid off a plank into the blue waters of the ocean. The unusual customhouse overlooking of our baggage took place at Liverpool. A French stranger was detected with a crust surrounding a quantity of tobacco, making it look like a loaf of bread. The experiment cost him $250.00.

Reid L. Neilson, “Proselyting on the Rock of Gibraltar, 1853-1855,” BYU Studies, Vol. 55, No. 1, 105-106.

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