Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The 1853 Mission to England

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The 1853 mission to England started with 21 elders held at customs in Liverpool. What was the problem?
a.                  A French passenger was trying to smuggle in tobacco
b.                  The missionaries had too many Books of Mormon
c.                   A British passenger pointed the Mormons out as impostors
d.                  The missionaries had too much luggage
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Joke
From the life of George Q. Cannon:   On Friday, [June] 13th went in company with Hon. John M. Bernhisel and Senator Hooper and Elders C. W. West and Brigham Young Jun, to pay our respects to President Lincoln. The President has a plain, but shrewd and rather pleasant face. He is very tall, probably 6 feet 4 inches high, and is rather awkwardly built, heightened by his want of flesh. He looks much better than I expected he would do from my knowledge of the cares and labors of his position, and is quite humorous, scarcely permitting a visit to pass without uttering some joke. He received us very kindly and without formality. (June 13, 1862)

Richard Dilworth Rust, “The Online Journal of George Q. Cannon, BYU Studies, Vol. 55, 2016, 42.

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