Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Locust Trees Symbolizing Sacredness

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After a certain individual camped under the Locust trees in front of Samuel and Sarah Ann Bryson’s home, the trees became sacred to the couple. Who camped under their trees in 1848 in Bountiful, Utah?
a.                  Joseph Smith
b.                  Martin Harris
c.                  Oliver Cowdery
d.                  David Whitmer
Yesterday’s answer:
D   David Patten
From the 1839 mission to England:   The gifts of the Spirit enjoyed by the Saints included dreams, visions, and prophesying. On March 12, 1840, for example, Anne Booth, a Manchester Saint, saw a recently martyred American apostle preaching to spirits in prison (those in the spirit world who had not heard the gospel in mortality) and was beginning to baptize them. John Wesley, the eighteenth-century British reformer and founder of Methodism, was among those spirits, and after the apostles baptized him, Wesley proceeded to baptize others. Latter-day Saint doctrine does not suggest that the dead themselves will baptize or be baptized in the spirit world, but Ann Booth’s vision clearly anticipated the forthcoming doctrine and practice if baptism in behalf of the dead. Significantly, the apostles had not yet even heard of the doctrine from Joseph Smith, but Wilford Woodruff was so impressed when he heard about the vision that he wrote a full report of it in his journal. No doubt the description of the martyred American apostle brought to his mind memories of David W. Patten one of the original members of the Quorum of the Twelve, who was killed in Missouri at the Battle of Crooked River on October 25, 1838.

Men With a Mission 1837-1841, James B. Allen et. al, (Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1992), 93-94.  

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