Friday, August 31, 2018

Her Bed on the Trail

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While crossing the plains in 1856, what did Sarah Jane Humphrey sleep on at night?
a.                  The ground under the wagon
b.                  A hammock hung from the roof of the wagon
c.                   On the coffin that the family was taking to the valley with them
d.                  On the family cookstove
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Martin Harris
From the life of Sarah Ann Connery/Conary Bryson:   Sarah Ann and Samuel lived the first winter in Bountiful with Samuel’s mother, Margaret, who had joined the church in 1842. Because of the persecution in Ireland, she had left soon after her baptism and arrived in Salt Lake in 1847. There was a wonderful reunion with her son and family. She had never seen any of her grandchildren.
The following spring, Samuel and Sarah Ann began building their own home. Sarah Ann worked side by side with her husband, helping him mold the adobe bricks of their new home.
Soon after their home was finished, they were visited by Martin Harris, who was passing through the county. He camped his wagon under the Locust trees in front of the house and was taken in and fed by Sarah Ann. From that time on, the locust tress stood for something sacred to them. No carving or trimming or marring of any sort was allowed.

Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, Daughters of Utah Pioneers: (International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers: 1998), 1:403-404. 

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