Sunday, August 26, 2018

The 1958 Missionary Quota

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How many missionaries were allowed into Fiji in 1958?
a.                  None
b.                  Two
c.                   Ten
d.                  Twenty
Yesterday’s answer:
A   It didn’t, it was the same
In reference to finding land for the New Zealand Temple:   About ten days later, President McKay arrived in Hamilton. Elder Mendenhall first met him in the presence of others, so nothing could be said about the question of a temple site. Elder Mendenhall described their first visit to the hill:   “After we stepped from the car and were looking around, President McKay called me to one side. By the way he was looking at the hill, I could tell immediately what was on his mind. I had not said a word to him. He asked, ‘What do you think?’ I knew what his question implied, and I simply asked in return, ‘What do you think, President McKay?’ And then in an almost prophetic tone he pronounced, ‘This is the place to build the temple.’”
The owners of this choice hill had previously indicated that they did not wish to sell their property. One morning following President McKay’s departure from New Zealand, Elder Mendenhall again met with them. They still were not willing to sell. By afternoon, however, Elder Mendenhall had convince them to change their minds. His account continues:
“Elder [George] Biesinger [supervisor of Church construction in New Zealand] and I had gone over the property very thoroughly and had put a valuation on it by breaking it down into various lots and acres. We met with the attorney and he overpriced the property considerably. After discussing the matter for about an hour, he said, ‘Would you be willing to consider this purchase if I break this property down my way and arrive at its valuation?’ And we hazarded the chance and said, ‘Yes.’
“He figured the property his way, not knowing what was in our hearts or that we had our own valuation on paper in our pockets. He passed his paper to us. We looked at it. It was exactly the same figure, right to the penny, we had figured that morning before going to his office. At five-thirty that evening we had the signed papers.”

Voyages of Faith-Explorations in Mormon Pacific History, Grant Underwood, (Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah: 2000), 135-136.

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