Monday, August 27, 2018

Robert Stockton’s News

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Commodore Robert Stockton

When the Brooklyn carrying the New York Saints to California arrived in Honolulu they met Commodore Robert Stockton that told the Saints the United States was at war with Mexico and that the Saints would be expected to help in the war effort. It is said he provided the Saints with what?
a.                  Free land in California if the Saints helped fight
b.                  Food
c.                   Guns
d.                  Cannons on their ship
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Two
When President McKay arrived in Suva (Fiji) on May 2, [1958] he voiced his concern that the government was still allowing only two proselyting missionaries into the country. The day following the dedication, President McKay, Mission President Fred W. Stone, Wendell B. Mendenhall, and Church attorney Morris Scott visited Sir Ronald Garvey, governor of Fiji. Garvey had attended the dedication and told the visitors that “he was very much impressed with the dedication services of the Suva chapel and that he now [had] a better appreciation of what the Church [was] doing.” After receiving assurances that Mormon missionaries would never be a “charge or a burden” on the colony and hearing it was LDS missionary policy to call on all people, Christian or other, Governor Garvey promised President McKay that he would discuss the matter with the council. Two weeks later, the Church received word that the missionary quota had been increased by six. This remained the quota until a coup in 1987.

Voyages of Faith-Explorations in Mormon Pacific History, Grant Underwood, (Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah: 2000), 270.

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