Sunday, July 29, 2018

Pushing for the Name

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As a way of promoting the gospel in South Africa it was decided to form a baseball team of missionaries to compete in the Capetown league. At the first meeting to form the team in 1932 a missionary proposed that the team name be the Cumorahs. This was down played by the mission president, however, the name stuck when who pushed for the name?
a.                   The team pitcher, who also happened to be a non-member
b.                  The mission president’s wife
c.                   President George Albert Smith
d.                  The Capetown mayor
Yesterday’s answer:
D   The History of Joseph Smith
From the life of Andrew Jenson:   Later the same year (1904) he was called on another special mission to Scandinavia, this time to supervise the printing of a new edition of the History of Joseph Smith in the Danish language. He attended the dedication of a mission house in Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 23, 1904, and returned home in 1905.

Andrew Jensen, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, (Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971), 3: 752-753.

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