Saturday, July 28, 2018

Andrew Jenson’s Special Mission Call to Scandinavia

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Andrew Jenson was called on a special mission in 1904 to translate what book into the Danish language?
a.                   Mormon Doctrine
b.                  The Lectures on Faith
c.                   The Pearl of Great Price
d.                  The History of Joseph Smith
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Fighting the bullies of a Mormon
From the life of John Moburn Kay:   His spirit was chivalrous and he would always defend the oppressed. It was partly due to his disposition that he became a Latter-day Saint. One of his fellow employees (Samuel Croyer) at St. Helens, to which town he had removed to work in a foundry, was a member of the “Mormon” church, and being a small timid man, he was ridiculed by his shop mates, who went so far as to offer him violence. Without knowing anything about his religion, John Kay defended him and trashed his leading assailant. Curiosity then led him to inquire into the little man’s faith. The result was his conversion and baptism in the fall of 1841. He was immediately ordained an Elder, and for some time labored in the ministry, but in September, 1842, he sailed for America, reaching Nauvoo, Ill., in the ensuing spring (1843). There he became a major in the famous Nauvoo Legion; also a member of the Nauvoo brass band and the police force. Owing to his musical talent and his genial social qualities, he was often invited by the Prophet Joseph Smith to assist in the entertainment of visitors.

Andrew Jensen, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, (Salt Lake City: Western Epics, 1971), 3: 661.

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