It’s been said that Samuel Smith served the
first mission of the Church shortly after the Church was organized. He had a
hard time convincing people to lighten his load by buying the Books of Mormon he was packing. The one book that he was finally able to loan to the home of John Greene,
Samuel tried to recover on how many different occasions?
Yesterday’s answer:
Latter-day Saints
The success rate of Latter-day Saint
voyages was also well known among non-Mormon sea captains, and most of them
appreciated and admired their Mormon “cargo.” For example, in 1872, on board
the Minnesota, Captain J. Morgan
comforted a frightened eleven-year-old Latter-day Saint girl and other
passengers at the time of a raging storm. Mary Ellison (Vincent) wrote: “During
the worst of the storm, the dear old captain told us to be of good cheer for he
always felt assured he would be safe if he had Mormon emigrants on board.”
Susan Arrington Madsen and Fred E. Woods, I Sailed To Zion (Salt Lake City: Deseret
Book Company, 2000), 7.
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