Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Tidbits—The Anthon Transcript

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Charles Anthon

1.      It is believed that Martin Harris immediately dispatched to see Professor Charles Anthon in New York City after Joseph Smith gave him a copy of the characters, along with their translation, from the plates. This wasn’t the case. Who did Martin show the characters to first?

a.      Palmyra Episcopalian minister John A. Clark

b.      His wife and her sister (Polly Cobbs)

c.       His long-time friend, Porter Rockwell

d.      David Whitmer

2.      Who is in possession of the document today that Martin Harris took to Professor Charles Anthon?

a.      The LDS Church

b.      The Community of Christ

c.       Descendants of Martin Harris

d.      Descendants of David Whitmer

Yesterday’s answer:

(D)   The exile to Babylon

During the Exile, Babylonia became a spiritual and intellectual capital of Judahite life. In their new environment, the people reinterpreted their religion in light of new realities: exile from their promised land, the demise of their Davidic rulers, worship without a temple, and eventually religion without prophets. Over the next few centuries, Judaism was born, with such distinctive characteristics as rabbis and rabbinical schools, worship in synagogues, and veneration of the law. The term “Jews” in the modern sense is properly used to designate the people of Judah from the point of the Exile onwards.

Book of Mormon Reference Companion, Dennis L. Largey ed. (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 2003) 87.

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