Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Little Ancient History


At what point in time was the title “Jew” applied to the children of Judah?

a.      Between the 1st and 2nd World Wars

b.      The Roman takeover of Israel

c.       The exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land

d.      The exile to Babylon

Yesterday’s answer:

 a.      A vision of the Lord to Martin
On several occasions, Joseph Smith wrote or dictated accounts of the Martin Harris trip to New York and his meeting with Charles Anthon. Except for incidents in which he participated, these accounts were based on information he had learned from Martin Harris himself. According to Joseph Smith , “the Lord appeared” to Martin Harris in a vision and showed him the remarkable work that was about to come forth. Immediately following this vision, Harris traveled to Joseph Smith’s home in Harmony, Pennsylvania, and advised Joseph that the Lord has shown him that he must go to New York City with some of the “characters”. Subsequently, Joseph Smith copied characters from the Book of Mormon plates and provided Martin Harris with a translation of those characters. Martin Harris then traveled to New York City and showed the characters and translation to Professor Anthon, “a gentleman celebrated for his literary attainments.”

Book of Mormon Reference Companion, Dennis L. Largey ed. (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 2003) 63-64.

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