Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The First to Inquire, but not the First to Join

Image result for  reading a letter

In 1849, the Church received a letter from an individual in India desiring to know more about Mormonism. Who was this individual?

     a.      The king of India
     b.       A native Indian
     c.       An American army officer
     d.      A British private

Yesterday’s answer:

     a.      Two statues similar to John's vision of "I saw another angel fly." The same as on the Nauvoo Temple.

In 1855 William Ward drew a detailed sketch of the Salt Lake Temple taken from the architectural plans of Truman O. Angell. This sketching hung in the office of Brigham Young for over twenty years. What’s unique about this sketch is the two horizontal angels [John the Revelator] flying on the two center spires of the Temple, the same angel that flew on top of the Nauvoo Temple.

Holzapfel, Richard Neitzel,  Their Faces Toward Zion (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1996), 47.

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