estimated that at the time of Christ that how many new ideas and inventions
were being turned out in a year?
Yesterday’s answer:
D) A British private
In April
1849 Thomas Metcalf, private of the 98th regiment, British Army, was
the first “inquirer . . . concerning Mormonism in India.” His letter dated 19
April 1849 states in part:
Christian friend of the Church of Latter-Day Saints,
A few days ago I received a tract entitled
“Divine Authority” on the question “Was Joseph Smith sent of God?” It was
written, I believe, by Elder Orson Pratt, one of the Twelve Apostles. . . . It
struck me with astonishment—its words were so powerful and unquestionable,
agreeing with the scriptures, revealing the things that have been so long
hidden. . . . I have read this tract through two or three time, and the more I
read it the more I am convinced of the truth of it. . . It came in a letter from Scotland to one of
the men in our regiment. A number of men have read it and it seems to awaken
all, for they wish to have some further investigation of these matters . . . .
And now, dear Christian Friend, I would like to hear from you, concerning what
I should do to save [myself] from the wrath to come.
Apparently books and tracts were sent to
Private Metcalf, who received them with joy, but he died in November 1850
before being baptized.
Richard Neitzel, Their Faces Toward Zion (Salt
Lake City: Bookcraft, 1996), 66.
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