Monday, April 8, 2013

His Name Brought Terror to the Mob

Image result for terror
Just as such men as Moroni, Lehi, and Teancum brought fear to the Lamanites, so in this dispensation certain personalities brought terror to the mob. In fact, I’m certain the mob would rather meet a grizzly bear than Porter Rockwell or the Hancock brothers. The mention of this individuals name could also scatter a mob, who was this person?

a.      Stephen Markham

b.      Lucy Mack Smith

c.       Lyman Wight

d.      William Smith

Yesterday’s answer:

d.   1898

April 8, 1898: Elders Brigham F. Duffin and Thomas H. Chambers, two missionaries from Utah, hold the first Latter-day Saint meeting in Caldwell County, Missouri, since the Saints were expelled from the state in 1838.

Richard Neitzel Holzapfel et. Al., On This Day in the Church (Salt Lake City: Eagle Gate, 2000), 69.

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