Thursday, July 25, 2019

Unexpected Help

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When Sister Jane Ollerton died on the Mormon Trail in Wyoming the company she was traveling with told the family that they had to keep moving and for the Ollerton family to take care of the burial. Unexpected help for the Ollerton's came in the form of who?
a.                  The Three Nephites
b.                  The next wagon company
c.                   Elders on their way to their missions
d.                  Natives
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Everything he was wearing was made from material on his own farm
From the life of William Morgan Clyde:   At an early 24th of July celebration in Springville, William arrived in town dressed in clothing from his own farm. His hat was braided of wheat straw by Eliza. His shirt was of flax spun and woven by his clever wife. His trousers, which had been made by Eliza, were wool from his own sheep. His shoes were made from the hides of his animals, tanned by William himself. Thus, William Morgan Clyde was judged the “Best Dressed Man.” It was aid by those who know them that industry marked the long and useful lives of William Clyde and Eliza McDonald Clyde.
International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Museum Memories (Talon Printing: Salt Lake City, 2011), 3: 237-238.

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