Tuesday, July 16, 2019


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On July 9, 1879 with loaded guns pointed at him, Rudger Clawson told the Georgia mob to shot him down. What circumstances led to this situation?
  1. The revelation stating that all worthy male members could hold the priesthood
  2. The killing of his mission companion, Parley P. Pratt
  3. The killing of his mission companion, Joseph Standing
  4. The news of the Mountain Meadow Massacre
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Hugh B. Brown
From the life of Hugh Brown Brown:   In the years that followed his marriage, Elder Brown engaged in an unusually wide variety of pursuits. He performed military service for his country of Canada, rising from lieutenant to major in only three years; he pursued and completed a law degree and entered into private practice in both Canada and Utah; he served as a stake president twice—in Lethbridge, Canada, and Salt Lake City, Utah; he entered politics and, though unsuccessful, sought to run for Utah state senator on the Democratic ticket; he served two terms as a mission president in Great Britain, once before the war and once after. He also was called to be the coordinator for all of the one hundred thousand Latter-day Saints servicemen enlisted at that time. He taught religion classes at Brigham Young University from the end of the war until 1950, at which time he had the opportunity to go into the oil development industry.
Just on the verge of becoming enormously successful financially, he began to feel a deep sense of unrest. He prayed that if the wealth he was about to come into would be bad for him and his family, the Lord would somehow end the prospect of it. His prayer must have been inspired, for soon afterward, on a night in April 1955, Elder Brown could not sleep. Retiring alone to a room, he felt an overwhelming sense of deep despair: “All night I wrestled with the evil spirit. I was possessed with the spirit of wishing that I could be rubbed out of existence. I had no thought of suicide, but wished the Lord would provide a way for me to cease to be. The room was full of darkness and an evil spirit prevailed, so real that I was almost consumed by it.” The very next night President David O. McKay called him on the phone and informed him that he had been chosen by inspiration to become a general authority, one of the Assistants to the Twelve.
Flake, Lawrence R., Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation, (Provo, Utah: Religious Study Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 219.

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