Thursday, July 18, 2019

Orson’s Return to the Church

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Orson Pratt

Orson Pratt and his wife were excommunicated from the church because he believed the lies of John C. Bennett. Embarrassed, Orson considered suicide when he realized his mistake. Who baptized him and his wife back into the Church?
a.                  David Whitmer
b.                  Brigham Young
c.                   Parley P. Pratt
d.                  Joseph Smith
Yesterday’s answer:
B   He was called into his bishopric
At West High School in Salt Lake City, Alvin R. Dyer was a member of a very popular vocal quartet. Because of their outstanding talent, they received a contract to go on a vaudeville circuit to sing for forty-two weeks, a very appealing journey to the eighteen-year-old musician. But the Lord had other plans—the young man’s bishop called him on a mission. Alvin showed his willingness to serve the Lord by accepting the call and abandoning the fun and glamour of a singing career.
In high school, Alvin, who came from a family of thirteen children, distinguished himself as an outstanding baseball pitcher. One of the young classmates who cheered his team on to victory, May Elizabeth Jackson, later became his wife; they became parents of a son and a daughter. Upon his return from the Eastern States Mission, where he labored from 1922 to 1924, he was offered a start in professional baseball and even signed a contract to play with one team. At about the same time, however, he was called to serve as a member of a bishopric. One again he could see that this exciting athletic career, with its obligation to play on Sundays, would interfere with his Church responsibilities. Although he had a great desire to play baseball, he withdrew from the contract and accepted the calling in the Church.
Flake, Lawrence R., Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation, (Provo, Utah: Religious Study Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 301-302.

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