Saturday, July 6, 2019

Her Income

Lucy Mack Smith

After Joseph Smith Sr. passed away, Lucy Mack Smith moved into the Mansion House with Joseph and Emma. How did Lucy earn her income?
a.                  Gave tours in her small museum
b.                  Sewed
c.                   Baked Bread
d.                  Printed tracts for the missionaries
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Lawyer
From the life of George A. Smith:   A member of the Council of Fifty, Smith was “elected” lieutenant governor of the “ghost state” of Deseret in 1849, became a member of the Utah territorial legislature (1850-1870), and served as president of the upper house (1864-1870). He also represented Utah in the 1856 statehood bid.
A self-taught lawyer, Smith argued his first and most notorious case just weeks after being admitted to the Utah bar. Howard Egan, a Mormon school teacher, had joined the California gold rush in 1849. While he was away, James Monroe seduced one of his wives, who gave birth to an illegitimate child. Egan returned to Utah and killed Monroe “in the name of the Lord” because is “peace on earth” had been destroyed.
Smith argued that “in this territory it is a principle of mountain common law, that no man can seduce the wife of another without endangering his own life. . .  The man who seduces his neighbor’s wife must die, and her nearest relative must kill him!” The jury declared Egan not guilty.
Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 272.

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