Wednesday, June 19, 2019


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How did the Chipman wagon company inform Brigham Young they were short of food and needed help?
a.                  By telegram
b.                  Sending someone ahead on the train
c.                   Smoke signals
d.                  Sending a runner ahead to Salt Lake City
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Grounded on a reef
From the life of Maria Purser Colebrook:   Maria Purser Colebrook was born in England, 1823. When Maria was a young girl she was witnessing the coronation of Queen Victoria when a carriage wheel ran over Maris’s foot causing a severe fracture. This resulted in a twisted, useless leg. As a result she developed other interests which she could do alone.
As she read the Bible her interest in it became the source of many spiritual manifestations in her life. One vision she had helped her know how to care for her leg. She followed the treatment prescribed in the vision and within three months she was walking without crutches.
Soon after the wonderful healing she met Charles Colebrook and married him in 1846 in Kidderminster, England. That same year she became inflicted with “spasms.”
While she was visiting a friend the Mormon Elders administered to her and she was relieved of her symptoms immediately. She never again suffered such attacks.
Maria and her husband joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. They were also blessed with the birth of their daughter whom they lovingly called Nellie.
The young family sailed for America on the ship, “Henry Ware.” The crossing was difficult and prolonged by being stranded near a large reef for several weeks. They finally landed in New Orleans and went to St. Louis.
Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, Daughters of Utah Pioneers: (International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers: 1998), 1: 636.

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