Sunday, January 27, 2019

One of a Number of Nicknames

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Which one of the following was a nickname for those who were members of the Church?
a.                  Ward Ballers
b.                  Night dippers
c.                   Joe Smith’s minions
d.                  Green and Gold Ballers
Yesterday’s answer:
C   Walked many miles distributing pamphlets and books on the Church
From the life of Sarah Thomas Williams:   Her childhood was mostly spent in her native city, though she often visited an aunt who lived in the village of Grosvan, nearby. On one of these visits she became converted to the gospel and was baptized in 1844, a short time before the death of the Prophet Joseph and while Elder William Henshaw presided over the Saints in Wales. She was then only fifteen years old, and her parents were much opposed to her baptism, but gave a reluctant consent. Being eager to make known to others the truth she had embraced, she often walked miles distributing tracts and books, and aided in converting many persons. In 1847 she met and married David Williams, a member of the same branch. For a time they lived in the same house with Captain Dan Jones, and both were active in missionary work. At one time an East Indian called at the house as a testimony meeting was about to begin. She spoke inquiringly to Captain Dan Jones, who presided, about the strange caller, and was told to invite him in. During the meeting, the spiritual gifts were exercised and one man, by the gift of tongues, spoke in the native language of the East Indian, telling him he ought to be baptized. The stranger asked to have the ordinance performed at once, but was persuaded to wait till the close of the meeting, when it was attended to.
Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 534-535.

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