Saturday, October 13, 2018

Violence on the Trail

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It was essential for those journeying on the trail to act as a team and assist each other on the trek to the valley, however, not everyone got along. Yes, there was violence on the trail. A man named Matthews and another named Curtis threatened each other bodily harm. What was the argument over?
a.                  Flour rationing
b.                  A girl
c.                   Guard duty
d.                  Feed for their animals
Yesterday’s answer:
C   Harold B. Lee
From the life to Lowell Tom Perry:   In 1949 Elder Perry received a bachelor’s degree in finance from Utah State University. Following graduation, the Perry’s moved to Lewiston, Idaho, where Tom was called as a counselor in a bishopric. This call necessitated his becoming a high priest. The ordination took place under the hand of Elder Harold B. Lee of the Quorum of the Twelve. In the blessing Elder Lee said that Brother Perry would someday sit in the leading councils of the Church. After more than three decades of diligent church service in bishoprics, high councils, and stake presidencies, L. Tom Perry became president of the Boston Stake. It was at this time that the promise spoken by Elder Lee began to come to pass.
In October 1972, during a trip to attend general conference, President Perry and his wife drove down to BYU to visit their son Lee. Not finding him at home, they waited for him at his dormitory. He unexpectedly arrived on the scene in a police car with the exciting announcement that President Harold B. Lee was trying to get in touch with his father. Elder Perry described the subsequent interview with the President of the Church” “When I opened the door and there sat President Lee, I was overwhelmed. He asked me to sit in the chair right next to him. He took me by the arm and explained the reason I was there. Would I accept the call as an Assistant to the Twelve? was the first question President Lee asked. The second question was, How soon can you move West? It was an overwhelming, and a very spiritual experience.” Just eighteen months later, Elder Perry was called to fill the vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve occasioned by the death of President Lee.

Flake, Lawrence R., Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation, (Provo, Utah: Religious Study Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 518-519.

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