Friday, October 5, 2018

The First and Only

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Who is the first and only apostle ordained outside the United States in this dispensation?
a.                  The apostle Paul
b.                  John Taylor
c.                   Willard Richards
d.                  Nathan Eldon Tanner
Yesterday’s answer:
B.   Gordon B. Hinckley
From the life of Gordon B. Hinckley:   Early in his life, President Hinckley displayed an exceptional gift for public speaking. During his college years, the bishop of his ward asked him to substitute for apostle Reed Smoot, a U.S. senator, who was unable to come to speak to the overflow audience awaiting him. Young Gordon Hinckley got up to address the disappointed audience. A friend who heard him recalled, “When Gordy Hinckley finished speaking, people had forgotten all about Senator Smoot’s absence. The boy really stirred them.”

Flake, Lawrence R., Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation, (Provo, Utah: Religious Study Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 143.

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