Thursday, October 11, 2018

Matthew Cowley’s Patriarchal Blessing

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Matthew Cowley

Matthew Cowley was 17 years old when called on his mission. How old was he when he received his Patriarchal blessing?
a.                  6
b.                  10
c.                   17
d.                  25
Yesterday’s answer:
C   Healings
From the life of Melvin Joseph Ballard:   During this time, he continued to have remarkable spiritual experiences, including acting as an instrument for the Lord in numerous healings. While many of these incidents are not recorded, his journal contains this entry; “I was called in to administer to a child dying with pneumonia. It was in convulsions, and the doctor said that it could not live thirty minutes. The parents said, ‘You have come in time to save the lost.’ Fifteen minutes after administering to the child, it was at ease; and the next day it was well on the road to recovery.”

Flake, Lawrence R., Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation, (Provo, Utah: Religious Study Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 449.

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