Monday, October 15, 2018

His Mission Souvenir

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James Godfrey served a mission to Minnesota in 1881. What did he bring home as a souvenir?
a.                  A hockey puck
b.                  An axe
c.                   An original copy of the Book of Mormon
d.                  A section of the rope he was dragged with
Yesterday’s answer:
D   John Reed
From the life of Ira Reed:   A veteran Elder of the Church, and a resident of North Point, Salt Lake Co., Utah, was born Jan. 25, 1834, at Kirtland, Ohio, the son of John Reed and Rebecca Barsh. As a little boy he started for Utah in 1848, together with his parents, one brother (Levi W.) and one sister (Clarissa), arriving in in G. S. L. City in November, 1848. His two sisters (Rebecca and Laura) came to the valley in 1850. His parents died during the journey across the plains. His mother was one of the earliest members of the Church and his father who was a lawyer, and an able and earnest defender of the Prophet Joseph Smith, is mentioned several times in Church history.

Jenson, Andrew, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia (Salt Lake City: Andrew Jensen History Company, 1914), 2: 413.

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