Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Trading for Nauvoo Lots

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What did the Saints trade to obtain house lots in the newly formed Nauvoo?
a.                  Livestock
b.                  Wagons
c.                   Labor
d.                  Titles to their Missouri or Kirtland properties
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Infant mortality
Infant mortality was high, and few nineteenth century Mormon women escaped the loss of one or more children. For Martha Cox, the death of her firstborn was “my first real sorrow and the bitterest disappointment I had ever known.” Sorrow was long remembered by some mothers who marked the passing days, months, and years since the birth or death of a deceased child. Emmeline Wells noted in her diary that September 1, 1874, was the anniversary of the birth of her first and only son, Eugene. “He would have been thirty today,” she wrote. “If he were living how much happiness he might bring to me.” Faith in a resurrection to life after death did not eliminate the pain the women felt, but it seemed to ease it somewhat. Upon the death of her youngest son, Sally Randall reflected: “I know he is better off than the rest of us, but it seems hard to part, but I think the separation will not be long if we are faithful.”

Women’s Voices-An Untold History of The Latter-day Saints 1830-1900 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1982), 11-12.

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