Friday, September 21, 2018

No Warning

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What caused Jacob Hamblin to introduce himself to Rachel Judd and ask her to marry him with no warning or without previous dating?
a.                  The Mormon Battalion was leaving
b.                  A dream
c.                   Brigham Young insisted
d.                  An angel directed him
Yesterday’s answer:
B.   Meals
From the life of J. Rueben Clark:   His father, a school teacher; remarked that Reuben “would rather miss his meals than miss a day from school.” After completing the eighth grade, the extent of educational opportunity in Grantsville, he returned to repeat the grade twice more: “I  was not quite that dull, but there was nothing to do , so I went to school in the winter time and went over the same ground.”

Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 68.

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