Friday, September 7, 2018

Mary Farrow Wilson Dodd’s’ Contribution

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What did Mary do to help spread the gospel in England during the early 1850s?
a.                  Provided her home for the missionaries to teach in
b.                  Sang at the meetings
c.                   Provided referrals
d.                  Went on missionary splits
Yesterday’s answer:
D   Peas
From the life of Ada Cemantha Hemenway/Hemingway Davidson:   Ada Cemantha was raised in a very religious home. She was a member of the Young Peoples Temperance Society, pledging to neither buy or sell intoxicating drinks and neither chew, smoke or snuff tobacco. Ada and her parents joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1844 and moved to Daysville, Illinois to join the Mormons. The family lived there for seven years where they raised fruit on their farm.
In 1852, when Ada was ten years old, the family made the journey to Utah. It was Ada’s chore to pick up wood and “buffalo chips” for the fire. They had trouble with the Indians. One day a terrible storm blew their wagon over and they had to stop to do repairs.
They suffered much sickness and hardships. It took them six months to reach the Salt Lake Valley in 1852.
Ada’s father had brought seeds and plants with him so they were able to start a nursery. Ada loved the trees, plants and flowers. She learned the art of tree grafting. She learned the art of spinning, knitting and weaving cloth for the family’s clothing and bedding.
During the time the grasshoppers were so thick and food became scarce, the family was without bread for six weeks. They dug roots and used nettles and pigweed for food. They planted a patch of peas which became almost a miracle patch because it yielded peas nearly all summer. Ada used willow branches to swish the grasshoppers away so the plants could live. She gleaned wheat by hand and ground it in a coffee mill.

Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, Daughters of Utah Pioneers: (International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers: 1998), 1: 761.

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