Thursday, September 27, 2018

Burning Money on the Trail

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What could you spend up to $5 for on the Mormon Trail, if you had money to burn?
a.                  Ferry across major rivers
b.                  Feed for your animals at Forts along the trail
c.                   Have your named inscribed on Independence Rock
d.                  Bets on horse races with the natives
Yesterday’s answer:
B   Watering gold miners horses
From the life of Moses Thatcher:   February 2, 1842:   Born in Sangamon County, Illinois. His family migrated to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Two years later, touched with the gold fever, they moved to Sacramento, California, where his father operated an “eating house.”
Moses earned his keep by watering miners’ horses for as much as five dollars a drink. He also mined, extracting moss and gold from the crevices of rocks on the banks of the American River with a butcher knife and a milk pan.
Missionaries frequently visited the Thatcher home, and fourteen-year-old Moses was baptized in the Rio Puta in 1856.

Richard S. Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker, A Book of Mormons, (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1982), 367.

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